
Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Tonight I'm working on going through my wardrobe and pulling out the clothes I shouldn't have purchased (because I haven't worn them) and putting them on Ebay. 

I fell victim to Lauren Conrad's book, Style, while the husband and I were killing time in Target.   I actually might go back and buy it because it looked like it offered some good tips - - even if I think Lauren Conrad is annoying.  Somewhere it mentioned only keeping what you wear and getting rid of the pieces you constantly pick over... it's obviously a simple concept that many people already have in place.  I'm a full fledged hoarder when it comes to my closet.  I like it more when it's busting full of stuff, but I've decided to move on and only keep what I love. 

As it turns out, so much of my stuff is barely worn, if at all, so I'm going to take the chance to see if anyone wants it.  Once everything's up, I'll tell you guys how to get to it if you're interested...



McMel said...

i'm a closet hoarder too, but i try to go through mine every season and clean out what i most likely won't wear. but yes, being that i'm a closet hoarder, please share how i may buy your unwanteds... ;)

Kimberly @ Bookmark To Blog said...

Yep. I totally agree. I am so bad at this. I finally went through my closet last week and got rid of all those pieces that I'd been hanging on to but never wearing. So refreshing!