
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

doing the happy dance

today's the day, people!  it's my friday.  tomorrow at this time, we'll be well on our way to the beach. 

have i packed? no. 
do i have anything we need? no. 

i've taken work home every night this week, and once i'm finished working, i'll eat a bite and pass out.  tonight i'll be up until all hours running errands and packing the car.  i plan to be in the car no later than 7am tomorrow morning. 

i get a little bossy when it come to organizing...

in other news, i'm pretty sure the mail lady put my glamour mag in someone else's mailbox.  the developers of my hood didn't think that they should come up with all new street names, so it's same name LANE and same name DRIVE (lacking creativity and causing mass confusion among post office workers).  we consistenly receive the same house number's mail on DRIVE, and i guarantee Miz Fitzgerald is reading my issue of glamour.  not cool.  we don't get any of their interesting mail - just credit card applications and various amazon orders. 


Charbelle said...

It always makes me nervous when my mail ends up in someone elses mail box. I pay everything online but still it just creeps me out!

Kim said...

I WILL have fun reading your vacation tweets...and secretly be really jealous.

A said...

Charbelle - agree!

Kim - i know...i'm really overdoing the whole leaving for the beach thing, but seriously, i've been bouncing in my chair since 2pm.

McMel said...

i will also be jealous of said vacation tweets. very jealous. and when we lived in atlanta we also lived on same name drive, with same name circle and lane, and road. the worst was after we moved up here, i went back once to check our mail after months- we had someone's bills for 4 months... oops- and our neighbors copy of essence. when i dropped that off, she was pretty excited- she thought the mailman had stolen it b\c beyonce was on the cover